Leanne Gonzaga
AIC Candidate Member
Phone: 855-371-5833 ext 211
E-mail: leanne.gonzaga@redrivergroup.ca
Leanne served several years in the customer service industry prior to and while completing her degree at the University of Manitoba. After completing her degree, Leanne joined Red River Group as a candidate appraiser. She is currently working towards her AACI (P. App) designation through the University of British Columbia.
Employment History
Areas of Expertise
Leanne works primarily with point-in-time residential appraisals specializing in Winnipeg and rural marketplaces for financial institutions as well as corporations and individuals. She performs work in the Winnipeg area, and southern Manitoba including, Niverville, St.Adolphe, Steinbach, and many points in between.
Leanne is supervised by Jason Schellenberg, AACI, P. App.