Colton Sawatzky
AIC Candidate Member
Phone: 855-371-5833 ext 208
E-mail: colton.sawatzky@redrivergroup.ca
While obtaining his Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Manitoba, Colton also completed the Asper School of Business Co-operative education program. As part of this program he worked at Arnold Bros. Transport, Cargill AgHorizons, and OnBusiness Chartered Professional Accountants, performing an array of accounting and finance related tasks. Colton joined Red River Group as a Candidate Member in 2017 and is working towards obtaining his Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI, P. App) designation.
Employment History
Areas of Expertise
Colton works primarily with point-in-time residential appraisals in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba for financial institutions, corporations, and individuals.
Colton is supervised by Jason Schellenberg, AACI, P. App.