We provide property consulting services to all levels of government.
In today’s complex and changing world, municipalities are dealing with much more than they were in the past. Gone are the days of ‘drains and ditches’, with municipalities encountering challenges both in the decisions required and the public scrutiny and demands. Council members and administration need the right information to make the right decisions; decisions that ensure fairness and equity to the taxpayers, the staff, and all other parties involved. Our group’s experience includes local government, Municipal Board, boards of revision, and the Public Utilities Board. Additionally, we have a wide range of negotiation, facilitation, and planning experts with experience in valuations or agricultural, residential, commercial, and other land uses. Whether urban or rural in nature, we have the knowledge that can ensure you find the right solution for you and your ratepayers.
For the provincial and federal levels of government, our expertise and experience can be used for personal development seminars or public awareness campaigns.