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Real Property Solutions
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Industrial, Commercial, Investment (ICI)
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Agricultural and Agri-Business
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Consulting and Advisory
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Government Consulting
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Property Management
Jargon and Definitions
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Appraisal Myths
Appraisal 101
Photo Consent Form
Rental Application
Health and Safety
Photo Consent Form
Photo Consent Form
Online Photo Consent Form
Subject Property Address
Unit Number (if applicable)
Province of inspection
Appraiser assigned to your property:
I don't know
Ben Eisner
Carissa Standing
Cody Krentz
Colton Sawatzky
Danaye Yarycky
Gerry Lachance
Gordon Daman
Greg Fehr
Hollie Couture
Jared Adams
Jason Schellenberg
Jennifer Anderson
Jonathan Daman
Karen Daman
Leanne Gonzaga
Leslie Murray
Malte Andersson
Melanie Bergen
Mel Braun
Mike Marchant
Myron Dyck
Preston Hartwig
Rob Toews
Sarah Kehler
Tim Nickel
Wilf Sawatzky
(alphabetical by first name)
Nature of inspection
Virtual (video inspection / interview)
Appraiser at vacant home
To ensure the safety of our appraisers and other homeowners, please confirm the following:
No one in the home is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
No one in the home has traveled outside of Manitoba in the past 14 days
No one in the home has been instructed by Manitoba Health to self-isolate
No one in the home has been in close contact with anyone with confirmed or probable COVID-19
If any of your answers to these questions change between now and when the appraiser assigned to your property visits your home, please contact us ASAP
To ensure the safety of our appraisers and other homeowners, please confirm the following:
No one in the home is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
No one in the home has traveled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
No one in the home has been instructed by Saskatchewan Health to self-isolate
No one in the home has been in close contact with anyone with confirmed or probable COVID-19
If any of your answers to these questions change between now and when the appraiser assigned to your property visits your home, please contact us ASAP
The party requesting the appraisal of the property cited above requires, among other things, the taking of interior photographs of several areas of the property. The pictures are intended to provide the client and/or intended user of the appraisal report with information on the interior condition and layout of the areas. The information collected will be used to create the appraisal report for its intended purpose, and will not be used for any other purpose, disclosed to a third party or used by the appraiser for profit.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Election Documents Act (PIPEDA), the Appraisal Institute of Canada’s (AIC) Canadian Uniform Standars of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP), and the AIC’s Professional Liability Insurance Program, your consent and acknowledgement are required. Photos will exclude personal information that would make the occupant identifiable, regardless of physical form or characteristics.
The client/intended user identified above requires, among other things, the taking of photos, video and audio (the electronic records) of the property identified above. The electronic records are intended to provide the appraiser, client/intended user and/or authorized user of the appraisal report with information about the interior and exterior of the subject property. The information collected will be used only for the intended use identified in the appraisal report. The information will not be disclosed to an unrelated third party or used by the appraiser for any other purpose.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Appraisal Institute of Canada’s (AIC) Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP), your consent to allow electronic recording of the interior and exterior of the subject property and acknowledgment of same is required before recording.
Your name (property occupant)
Are you the:
Client/Property Owner's Name
Intended User of Report (check all that apply)
Financial Institution (Bank, Credit Union, Etc.)
Property Owner
Don't know
In many cases, the financial institution and property owner may both be intended users
Name of Lawyer
Name of Financial Institution
Additional notes:
By clicking here you are giving consent for the appraiser assigned to your property to take photos in your home and use them for their appraisal report.
I consent for for photos to be taken of my home and used in the appraisal report being prepared for my property
By clicking here you are giving consent for the appraiser assigned to your property to use the photos you have supplied to them for their appraisal report.
I consent for the photos I have supplied to be used in the appraisal report being prepared for my property